NetSuite for Non-Profit

Non-profit organisations face unique challenges, including managing donor relationships, ensuring financial transparency, and efficiently tracking programs and services to maximise impact.

To fulfil your mission, you need to:

  • Streamline donation management and grant tracking
  • Ensure financial accountability and transparency
  • Manage programs, volunteers, and events efficiently

NetSuite provides a comprehensive solution to support your Non-Profit organisational goals.

Explore the strategic and product features below.


Strategic Benefits of NetSuite for Non-Profit Businesses

  • Integrated Fundraising and Donor Management: NetSuite enables you to manage all aspects of fundraising, from donor acquisition to retention, in one system. Track donor interactions, segment supporters for targeted campaigns, and analyse fundraising efforts to maximise contributions.

  • Financial Accountability and Transparency: Maintain financial health with NetSuite’s robust financial management tools. Automate accounting processes, track grant funds, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Real-time financial reporting helps you demonstrate impact to stakeholders and build trust.

  • Efficient Program and Volunteer Management: Manage your programs and services with precision. NetSuite’s tools help you track project outcomes, allocate resources effectively, and manage volunteer schedules, ensuring that your initiatives have the maximum impact.

Product Features

Donor and Fund Management

Track donations, grants, and pledges in real-time. Segment donors for personalised outreach. Automate donation receipts and acknowledgements. Analyse fundraising performance to identify trends and optimise efforts.

Financial Management and Compliance

Ensure accurate financial reporting with NetSuite’s integrated accounting features. Manage multiple funding sources, track expenses, and generate financial statements that meet non-profit standards. Automate compliance with funder requirements.

Program Management

Monitor program activities and outcomes. Allocate resources efficiently to maximise impact. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Integrate with other systems for seamless reporting and data sharing.

Volunteer Management

Efficiently manage volunteer recruitment, scheduling, and communication. Track volunteer hours and contributions. Automate volunteer onboarding and training processes to enhance engagement and retention.

Grant Tracking and Reporting

Track grant applications, awards, and compliance. Monitor spending against grant budgets in real-time. Generate detailed reports to keep funders informed and ensure adherence to grant terms.


Marketing and Outreach

Automate marketing campaigns and donor communications. Use data analytics to target and personalise outreach efforts. Engage supporters across multiple channels to build stronger relationships and increase support.



NetSuite provides the tools your non-profit needs to thrive. From financial management to program tracking, it’s designed to help you achieve your mission more effectively.

We’re here to support your organisation’s goals. Contact us today to learn how NetSuite can be customised to meet your specific needs.



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