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What to Look for in a NetSuite Partner

Written by Karl Threadgold | Oct 26, 2022 12:45:00 PM

NetSuite is easily the #1 cloud-based ERP solution for SMB sized organizations planning to scale their business. Its robust partner programs are equally impressive, with an extensive network of resellers, services providers, and ISVs makes it one of the best ERP ecosystems on the planet. NetSuite partners are an important part of the NetSuite ecosystem. They provide a valuable service by helping businesses to get the most out of their NetSuite investment. There are many different types of NetSuite partners, each with their own strengths and areas of expertise. 

NetSuite Partner Programs

There are several different types of NetSuite partners.  Partners can be divided into two main categories: technology partners (e.g. SDN) and implementation partners (e.g. Solution Provider). Technology partners develop products that extend or enhance the functionality of the NetSuite platform, while implementation partners help businesses to implement and configure NetSuite for their specific needs. Depending upon your needs and objectives this guide will help you walk through the type of partner  you need to ensure a successful NetSuite ERP implementation.

NetSuite Solution Providers

Do you know that more than half of all NetSuite licenses sold are sold through a NetSuite Solution Provider partner? A NetSuite Solution Provider helps customers with all aspects of the ERP implementation including software licensing, data migration, integrations, support and more. Companies that are looking for the white glove approach to evaluating and implementing ERP will want to leverage a NetSuite Solution Provider.

However, not all NetSuite solution providers are the same. They vary widely in terms of skill and services offered. Some focus more deeply on specific verticals/industries while others are leading technologist with deep technical acumen. Finding the right partner is equally as important as choosing the best ERP for your particular needs.  

Benefits of working with a NetSuite Solution Provider

One of the biggest benefits of working with a NetSuite Solution Provider is having access to expert guidance. When you partner with a NetSuite Solution Provider, you are able to take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. In return this should help you both go-live more quickly and de-risk your ERP initiative.  Here are the primary reasons to consider working with a NetSuite Solution Provider. 

1. Increased Efficiency - A NetSuite Solution Provider partner can help increase the efficiency of your NetSuite ERP implementation. They can provide best practices and guidance to help ensure a smooth and successful implementation.

2. Improved Accuracy - With the help of a Solution Provider partner, you can be assured that your implementation will be accurate and complete. This will help to avoid any costly errors and ensure a successful launch of your new ERP system.

3. Faster Time to Value - A NetSuite Solution Provider partner can help you get up and running quickly with your new NetSuite ERP system. They can provide expertise and support to help minimize the time needed for setup and configuration.

4. Reduced Costs - By working with a Solution Provider partner, you can expect to see reduced costs for your NetSuite ERP implementation as well as your software subscription cost. They can help you get the most out of your investment in NetSuite, while ensuring a successful and timely launch.

Partnering with a NetSuite Solution Provider can ensure a successful and timely NetSuite ERP implementation. Solution Providers have extensive experience with the NetSuite platform and are well-equipped to help navigate the complexities of an ERP implementation. They can also provide valuable resources and expertise to help ensure a smooth and successful deployment.

NetSuite Alliance Partners

Alliance partners only provide professional services. NetSuite's own sales team handles the software evaluation and licensing, and then the Alliance partner assist with the NetSuite implementation. The NetSuite Alliance program is ideally suited for companies with less complex needs and don't really see the need/value in a long term, mutually beneficial partnership as found with a NetSuite Solution Provider.

Some of the benefits of working with a NetSuite Alliance partner on a NetSuite ERP implementation include:

1. Access to experienced and certified consultants who can help with everything from requirements gathering to post-implementation support.

2. Assistance navigating the NetSuite platform and getting the most out of its features and functionality.

3. Faster implementation times as a result of having pre-configured templates and best practices to draw on.

4. Reduced costs as a result of economies of scale when working with large professional service organizations with offshore resources.

What about SuiteCloud Development Network (SND) Partners?

SDN is a network of developers and software vendors who create extensions that work seamlessly with NetSuite. These programs are available on The SuiteCloud platform, and you can view the offerings here. A NetSuite SDN Partner is a company that has been certified by NetSuite to provide services that complement the NetSuite SuiteCloud platform. These services may include software development, system integration, or professional services. Generally speaking companies looking to license and implement will almost always do so via NetSuite Solution Provider and may leverage a SND partner to fulfill a niche gap in their NetSuite solution.

Why You Should Work with a NetSuite Solution Provider Partner

An ERP system is a substantial investment and an enormous undertaking for most companies. A NetSuite partner can help maximize that investment, so you get more for your money.

There are a lot of benefits to working with a NetSuite partner rather than going it alone. However, be sure to find a partner that aligns with your business's needs and goals.

Furthermore don't rush the process, finding a consulting firm that complements your companies culture is super important. You're only going to find this out by meeting more than just the sales rep.  

Lastly, get a partner that has a fully baked change management strategy as part of their offering.  All too often we see companies going back to old habits and ways of doing things because the end users were not properly equipped and supported during the ERP migration. ERP implementations can be very complex, and often require changes to how a business operates. Without effective change management, these changes can lead to confusion and frustration among employees, and can even derail the entire implementation. Change management helps to ensure that changes are made smoothly and effectively, minimizing disruption to business operations.

Some of the ways you benefit when working with a NetSuite partner are:

Save on the Initial Investment

The initial cost of NetSuite can vary greatly depending on your business type and complexity. That being said the best NetSuite Solution Providers can provide unbiased advise about what you should and how to license it.  All too often we see unscrupulous sales reps oversell licenses that clients will never need or use.  Furthermore NetSuite Solution Providers can help you structure your license agreement so that you can keep your software licensing cost predictable for years to come.

Want to save big on NetSuite license costLook no further than Threadgold Consulting.

Benefit from Industry Experts

Every company is different, and your implementation will likely differ from the next persons. An experienced NetSuite partner can help you deploy NetSuite in a manner that will help you realize your stated objectives using a time-tested, proven methodology, where you can expect a smooth transition with fewer issues along the way.

One downside to working directly with NetSuite and an Alliance Partner is that they don't have any wiggle room when it comes to their deployment methodology. Their approach to NetSuite implementations always consist of SuiteSuccess.  SuiteSuccess is a productized deployment methodology designed to get customers live on NetSuite within 100 days or less.  

The SuiteSuccess methodology is based on best practices and provides a framework for implementing and using the software. It includes pre-defined processes, templates, tools, and resources to help organizations successfully implement and use NetSuite.

Both in-theory and in practice SuiteSuccess can be a great approach however there are some clients / situations where it's best not to go down the SuiteSuccess path.  By working with a NetSuite Solution Provider you have options when it comes to implementation methodologies.  

NetSuite Optimization

A NetSuite Solution Provider can help you to identify and optimize your usage of the NetSuite platform. They will have a deep understanding of the product and be able to help you to get the most out of your investment. Additionally, working with a Solution Provider can help to ensure that any customizations or updates made to your NetSuite instance are done correctly and in a way that is compatible with the rest of your setup.

Smooth Data Migration

Another critical aspect of an ERP implementation is migrating your data. You do not want to lose important information as you move to the new ERP platform.

Benefits of working with a NetSuite Solution Provider on data migration include:

1. Reduced time and effort to migrate your data.
2. Reduced risk of data migration errors.
3. Streamlined and coordinated migration process.
4. Single point of contact for all migration-related questions and support.

Keep in mind not all NetSuite Solution Providers provide data migration services.  Be sure to ask before choosing a partner.

Personalized Training & Support

NetSuite Solution Providers provide a wide range of services to help businesses get the most out of their NetSuite investment, including:

NetSuite training - Solution Providers can offer a variety of training options, from self-paced online courses to instructor-led sessions, to make sure employees are up to speed on the software.

NetSuite support - Solution Providers can provide around-the-clock support for businesses using NetSuite, so they can always get help when they need it. 

Should You Work with a NetSuite Partner?

There are a few things you should consider when deciding whether or not to work with a NetSuite partner.

First, consider the partner's experience and expertise in the NetSuite platform. Ask them how many years they have been working with NetSuite and what types of clients they have worked with. You also want to make sure the partner has a proven track record of success in helping clients achieve their business goals.

Second, consider the partner's financial stability. Make sure the partner is financially healthy and has a good reputation in the market. Ask for references from current and former clients to see what their experience has been like working with the partner.

Finally, make sure the partner is a good fit for your organization. Do some research on the partner's company culture and values to see if they align with your own. Ask the partner about their approach to customer service and how they handle project management. This will give you a good sense of whether or not the partnership will be a successful one.