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Understanding NetSuite Performance Issues

Understanding NetSuite Performance Issues

It is no longer uncommon to hear NetSuite users report performance issues. These issues may occur whenever there are problems in the specific server that the account is hosted on. Moreover, this is becoming even more frequent as companies choose to tailor-fit their NetSuite accounts through implementing various customizations.
These performance issues may be attributed to several factors. Namely the following:
  • NetSuite server performance
  • Network performance
  • Client performance
NetSuite has provided users with a native window that allows them to track Performance Details. To access this window, users may opt to double click on the Oracle NetSuite logo located on the upper left corner of any page. The information on the Performance Details window is sourced from data sent to the client from the NetSuite server.
The information available in the Performance Details window are the following:
  • Total
  • Server
  • Server SuiteScript
  • Server Workflow
  • Network
  • Client
  • Page
  • Email
  • Time
The complete page load time in seconds is indicated as the Total. While the rest of the information (Server, Server SuiteScript, Server Workflow, Network, and Client) is displayed in seconds as a percentage of this Total.

NetSuite Server Performance

The Server Performance information is measured as the time spent retrieving data from the NetSuite server. This information is further drilled down into two. These are Server SuiteScript and Server Workflow which are the two types of customisations which can affect server performance.
Customisations can be beneficial to organisations in many ways. It allows them to be able to bend the software to fit their desired processes. Unfortunately, in some instances, customisations may not be optimised correctly. This may cause inefficiencies in the allocation of processing power which may lead to performance issues.
Suboptimal search criteria can also contribute to the server’s performance.
In both cases, there are varying action steps which may be taken to ensure efficient server performance. These steps include optimising scripts and workflows and adjusting NetSuite preferences.

Network Performance

The Network Performance information is measured as the time it takes for data to travel from the NetSuite server to the end user’s device. The problems associated with this piece of information are most likely related to the internet service provider (ISP).

Client Performance

The Client Performance information is measured as the time it takes for the end user’s device to display a certain page. Factors that affect Client Performance may include other applications running on the end user’s device, browser compatibility, and client-side SuiteScript.
Troubleshooting Client Performance issues may include monitoring and managing the end user’s device resources, ensuring that firewall applications are set up properly, verifying browser compatibility, and optimizing client-side SuiteScript.

Application Performance Management

To further manage and isolate the cause of performance issues. Users may choose to install the Application Performance Management (APM) SuiteApp. This features the following:
  • Dashboards
  • Data visualisations
  • Page time summaries
  • Script analysis
  • Script Queue Monitor
These tools grant users the transparency to monitor and improve the speed of their NetSuite accounts.
Are you experiencing similar issues and don’t know where to start looking? Do you wish to alleviate your organization from this and ensure that you’re running on the highest level of efficiency? Reach out for a free health check and we’ll map out a series of steps to improve the performance of your system.